A&T KOREA SERVICE CO., LTD. (hereinafter ‘the company’) regards a customer’s personal information as important and complies with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and ... Utilization and Information Protection, Etc. If the personal information handling policy is revised, the company will give a notice through Notice in the website (or separate notice).

ο This policy is enforced from 2020.

Personal information items to be collected
For subscription, consultation, service application, etc., the company collects the personal information described below.
  • ο Items to collect: name, company name, the name of a person in charge, mobile phone number, company telephone number, e-mail address, access log
  • ο Personal information collection method: website (Sign up), delivery request
Personal information collection and use purpose
The company utilizes the collected personal information for the following purpose
  • ο The performance of the service offering contract, and the fee settlement and payment based on service offering
Personal information retention and use period
As a principle, after personal information collection and use purpose are accomplished, the information is immediately destroyed. The information described below is kept for the given period and reason indicated below.

A. The reason for information retention according to company policy

- Illegal use record
Retention reason: prevention of illegal use
Retention period: one year

B. The reason for information retention according to related laws

If information needs to be kept according to related laws, including Commercial Code and the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., customer information shall be kept for the given period defined in the related laws. In this case, the company shall utilize the customer information only for the purpose of retention, and the retention period is as follows.

- Record about contract, contract withdrawal, etc
Retention reason: the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc
Retention period: five years
- Record about payment, goods supply, etc
Retention reason: the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc
Retention period: five years
- Record about electronic financial transactions
Retention reason: Electronic Financial Transactions Act
Retention period: five years
- Record about consumers’ complaints or dispute settlement
Retention reason: the Act on the Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc
Retention period: three years
The procedure and method of personal information destruction
As a principle, after personal information collection and use purpose are accomplished, the information is immediately destroyed. The destruction procedure and method are described as follows.
  • ο Destruction procedure

    The customer information typed for inquiries of maintenance, etc. are moved to a separate DB (a separate file in case of paper) after the purpose is accomplished, and then is kept for a certain period according to the information protection reasons defined in the company policy and related laws (See Retention and Use Period) before being destroyed.. The personal information moved to a separate DB is not used for other purposes than the retention purpose unless there are related laws.

  • ο Destruction method

    - The personal information saved in an electronic file type is deleted in the technical method to prevent it from being used ever.

    - The personal information printed out in paper is shredded or incinerated.

Personal information offering
As a principle, the company shall not provide users’ personal information outside. However, the cases described below are exceptional.
  • - The case that the information is needed for maintenance service, installation, and after-sales service (name, mobile phone number, the address for installation)
  • - The case that users have a prior agreement
Commission of collected personal information
Without any consent of customers, the company shall not commission customer information to collect other external firms than the maintenance service, installation, and after-sales-service firms under contract. If there is a need for commission, the company will notify customers of the target and content of commission. If necessary, the company will receive prior agreement of customers.
Installation and operation of automatic collector of personal information, and refusal of automatic collection
The company runs ‘cookie’, etc. to find and save your information frequently. A cookie is a small text file that the server used for operating the website of the company sends to your browser. It is saved in your computer hard disk. The company utilizes a cookie for the following purposes.
  • ▶ Purposes of the use of cookie, etc

    Cookies are used to analyze the access frequency, visit time, etc. of members or non-members, to find and track their favorite and interesting areas, and to provide target marketing and customized services through the analysis on their event participation and the number of their visits. You have a right to select cookie setting. Therefore, you can allow all cookies, check whenever cookies are saved, or reject all cookies by setting an option in your web browser.

  • ▶ The method of rejecting cookies

    Example: You can set up an option of cookies in your web browser. It is possible to allow all cookies, check whenever cookies are saved, or reject all cookies.
    An example of cookie setting (Internet Explorer): Tools on the top of the web browser > Internet Options > Privacy If you reject cookies, the service offering can be difficult.

Civil complaint service for personal information
To protect customers’ personal information and handle the complaints of personal information, the company designates a department and a chief personal information manager described below.

Chief personal information manager

Name: manager
E-mail : sales@antkorealtd.com
Tel : +82-2-555-8686

If you have a civil complaint of personal information protection in the way of using the company service, you can report it to a chief personal information manager or a related department. The company will immediately and fully respond to users’ reports.

For other reports or questions about privacy infringement, contact any of the following organizations.
  • 1.Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee (www.1336.or.kr/1336)
  • 2.Information Protection Mark Certification Committee (www.eprivacy.or.kr/02-580-0533~4)
  • 3.ternet Crime Investigation Center of Supreme Prosecutors' Office(http://icic.sppo.go.kr/02-3480-3600)
  • 4.Cyber Terror Response Center of National Police Agency (www.ctrc.go.kr/02-392-0330)